Cuso International
Marian White Public Engagement Officer,
Marian White
After graduating from the University of Prince Edward Island I volunteered with CUSO in Nigeria. In the 80s I worked with Oxfam Canada in Halifax as a development educator working across the Maritime region. In 1994 I began to work with CUSO in the Atlantic region and enjoy my current work with Cuso International.
Interests: Networking, marketing crafts from southern partners, diversity education, fair trade, living simply that other may simply live.
Hometown: Tracadie
Location: Charlottetown PE C1A 4R3CA
Twitter: Cusointernational
Posts by Marian White
#000 Christmas at Tracadie White House
In the bleak mid winter not so long ago!
Margaret Graves, Tanzania
Hear highlights from a young Maritime agricultural advisor as my last podcast in this series.
John Power, Swaziland, Nigeria, Indonesia
Margaret Graves found John while searching for a meeting location in Conception Bay South, NL. He was one of the many volunteers who had been lost in our dbase. Welcome back John, master dart player on at least 3 continents!
Lise Richard, Cameroon, Barbados
Hear about new possibilities of work in the Caribbean.
Lipi Saha, Bangladesh staff
Challenges of moving while still dedicated to global solidarity.
Huberte Gautreau, Togo, Peru, Cameroon
Hear from New Brunswick's Volunteer of the Year, Huberte Gautreau, an activist-feminist in her late 70s who plans to get refreshed while volunteering overseas.
Teresa Mellish, Malaysia
Farmer's Helping Farmers is an NGO established by former Cuso volunteers.
Ken Mellish, Malaysia
Hear about the best place in the world to work in the early 70s.
Sharian Hanson, partner Jamaica
Office of the Children's Advocate in Jamaica is a potential placement for Cuso volunteers.
Recent Episodes
Margaret Graves, TanzaniaJohn Power, Swaziland, Nigeria, Indonesia
Lise Richard, Cameroon, Barbados
Lipi Saha, Bangladesh staff
Huberte Gautreau, Togo, Peru, Cameroon
Teresa Mellish, Malaysia
Ken Mellish, Malaysia
Sharian Hanson, partner Jamaica
Richard McBride, South Africa, Indonesia
Barb Carthew, Jamaica, Borneo,